Welcome aboard. Please fasten your seat belt securely and refrain from using the restrooms while the sign is on. Our ship will start to accelerate at 1G continuously to the end of time. Thanks for flying with us.

  • After 10 years of ship time at maximum acceleration, the universe will be 10 years older.
  • After 20 years of ship time at maximum acceleration, the universe will be 37 years older.

Due to time dilation, perceived speed increases faster and faster. While visible light blue-shifts to ultraviolet, infrared takes its place.

  • After 50 years of ship time at maximum acceleration, the universe will be 218 years older.

More and more photons hit the ship each second. Deep infrared left over from the big bang is blue-shifted too. There is a lot of cosmic microwave radiation.

  • After 100 years of ship time at maximum acceleration, the universe will be 8,450 years older.

It takes us only around 100 years to be staring into the big bang. Enjoy the views.

  • After 150 years of ship time at maximum acceleration, the universe will be 15,000 years older.
  • After 200 years of ship time at maximum acceleration, the universe will be 100,000 years older.
  • After 850 years of ship time at maximum acceleration, the universe is 10^30 years older. To be more precise: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years older.

At this point, only white dwarfs, neutron stars, and various stellar remnants remain. Galaxies have dissipated, and stars like our Sun are distant memories. If any still exist to remember them.

We're a long, long way from "heat death" – from the Universe becoming an undifferentiated entropic sea of particles – but it is already a very different place.

Let's keep going…