Examples of micromanagement that we found1 with a quick Google search:

  • They ask to be copied on all emails from the team, whether they genuinely need to be included or not.
  • They are reluctant to delegate even the most minor tasks to their team members.
  • They constantly check where their employees are, seeing if they're at their desks or online, and may even monitor bathroom breaks.
  • They ask for excessively frequent updates on even small tasks and check and double-check deadlines.
  • They rarely ask for input from anyone else.
  • They take pleasure in correcting someone else's work or pointing out very small errors.
  • They scrutinize each task intently, no matter how small or low-priority the work is.
  • They never seem to be satisfied with any work an employee performs.

Adapted examples of emotional micromanagement:

  • They attempt to be included in all casual conversations.
  • They will force team activities, off-sites, and treat the team as a family.
  • They constantly check how their employees feel and think it's their job to help them.
  • They ask for excessively frequent updates on feelings and personal topics they may think are relevant for the employee's well-being.
  • They are the certified coaches and psychologists of the team. It's their job to help you fulfill your passions and goals!
  • They take pleasure in correcting how someone else deals with their mental health or soft skills.
  • They will OKR your life and feelings. "When was the last time you visited your mom? How did that make you feel? Can I help you? Let me help you!"
  • They never seem to be satisfied with how good you feel or how well you perform. The employee has to always push and grind. Happiness must be achieved.

1 Micromanagement in the Workplace: Definition, Examples and Harmful Effects micromanagement